Friday, February 07, 2020



* Hemantha Withanage

“There are plenty of people out there in the world who would like to see plastic go away. We know that’s not going to happen … We’re all going to be using plastic for years and years, right?” - Ben Jordan, Senior Director of Environmental Policy Coca-Cola  said. Don’t believe them. These are the guys behind toxic profits of the corporations.

Waste is a mafia. We know waste management is not just a service. It is a business. Waste collection, waste dumping, waste importation, Odour management, land filing, sanitary filling has many corrupt practices.  

Recycling is a beautiful word. But recycling is a word for fooling you. Only 2% goes to recycling. 86% goes to the landfills and oceans. As long as cheap plastics comes as a byproduct of the fossil industry, why companies bother to spend money for recycling. They tell you for hygienic reasons, quality maintenance you cannot use recycled material. True. But they can design a bottle for multiple use. They can use glass bottles. But they don’t spent money. Do you know that big plastic soft drink bottle charge you Rs. 50 to 75 extra when you buy such soft drink bottle. Plastic bottle will not cost them even Rs 2. It was suppose be collect back and recycling. But now it become toxic profit of these companies. They will be very happy as long as you are collecting their waste. But they won’t spend money for proper collection and recycling.

They say bring regulations. They know that bringing regulation is not easy. Even if regulations are there, violation is more easy. Implementation is not easy. They pollutes massive. But Authorities look for just few products to control, regulate, ban. When you see massive single use plastic dumps around us, they will focus little things. Authorities have been talking 2 decades to come up with a list of few single use plastics. Corporations are behind pushing back even those little steps.  

They say educate people. I challenge 90% of the people in Sri Lanka knows the problem. But no attitude change. Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Nestle, Unilever, Elephant House, Fonterra, CBL, Manchee won’t allow people to change attitude. We should not forget 57% plastics in the environment are unbranded. They will continue to bombard with TV advertisements with how good an safe their products in plastic packets.

Politicians are totally ignorant these issues. They benefit from the crisis. They have waste issue to make false promises during elections. Then get the support from waste mafia.  They fill the wetlands and sell them. They call its development.  Its true from local politicians to the top.  

Just don’t pick waste plastics. Understand this politics. Don’t get into their waste trap. They will offer you assistance as Corporate social responsibility. They will tell you plastic is consumer responsibility too. They will tell you that your effort is a contribution to the safe environment. Believe me! They don’t tell you how much they make toxic profits out of your genuine effort.  Use your effort every time to name and shame them. That will only change how they treat the plastic crisis. * Hemantha Withanage*